Blue Balliett
When strange and seemingly unrelated events start to happen and a precious Vermeer painting disappears, eleven-year-olds Petra and Calder combine their talents to solve an international art scandal.
Blue Balliett was born and raised in New York City. She spent her life surrounded by art, even to the point of perusing an art history degree at Brown University. While writing Chasing Vermeer, she was teaching full-time at the laboratory school at the University of Chicago, where the book takes place. She was interested in both art/mystery books for her students, and also had an interest in exploring the way that children seem to connect coincidences that may or may not be important. She believes that children often see things that adults cannot and wanted to put these elements in her book. All of the characters have been inspired by her life, including the two main characters, which she says are combinations of many kids she knows. Ms. Balliett is currently working on another art mystery novel, titled The Wright 3.